Favorite Holiday Movies
I love holiday movies but I’ve actually promised my family this year that I wouldn’t start watching them until November 1st. Well, November 1st is here – so slap on my reindeer ears because all bets are off. You can usually find some holiday movie on the tv between November lst and December 25th in our house. I love all of the sounds of the season from Wil Ferrell to Chevy Chase to Macaulay Culkin to the latest Hallmark Christmas movies – anything goes. That being said, I do have a few favorites. I don’t expect anyone is going to agree with these because really no one in my own house does. So here – in no particular order are my Top 10 Favorite Holiday Movies.

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- Christmas with the Kranks – If you haven’t seen this you are missing out, it’s hilarious.
- National Lampoons Christmas Vacation – It’s a classic, if you’re not already watching this on repeat…you must not have electricity.
- Home Alone – Nothing says Christmas like terrorizing burglars. And what exactly did this dad do for a living?
- Elf – I would watch this for the mail room Jump Around dance alone.
- Love Actually – this movie is amazing from the first 5 seconds with the airport scene. If you are the Grinch this movie will grow your heart three sizes!
- Four Christmases – anyone that has experienced the joys of family over the holidays will appreciate this one.
- The Holiday and The Last Holiday – I got these two confused when I first wrote this, but realized that I like them both so why not keep them both.
- Family Stone – Diane Keaton and some very handsome co-stars.
- Polar Express – this just makes you feel all warm and fuzzy
- Deck the Halls – silly but fun