Target Bullseye Kids Room Decor Hack
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Yesterday I was so excited to be at Target for my second time in the last 4 months. I’m normally at Target no less than 1-2 times per week, so it’s taken a lot of restraint (and online shopping) to stay away.
So you know that my visit to Target yesterday was a really big deal! What made this trip even more exciting is that I had no kids with me. (Sorry kids!) Since I had a few minutes to myself I took some time to browse the Target Bullseye Area. If you’re not familiar with this area of Target, you are missing out. They have all kinds of great stuff and it’s typically all from $1-$5. I love grabbing everything from birthday cards to stocking stuffers and even home decor. If you’re creative, you can transform some of this ordinary stuff into something really great.
Wandering around the Bullseye area yesterday, I have to admit that I was a little disappointed. A lot of the bins were empty and there just wasn’t a lot there. But I did still manage to grab three items that were really cute. I immediately thought that they might find a home in my 3 year old daughters room. I’ve been thinking about changing up her room a bit since she’s now a toddler.
When I first put these items in my cart, I didn’t know exactly what to do with them. But I knew I was on to something. Here’s what I purchased:
- ABC’s Pillow (adorable) – Our little P is always singing the alphabet song so I knew right away that she would love it. $5 for this super cute pillow.

- Rainbow Wall Stickers – My daughter’s room has a little bit of a rainbow theme happening and she LOVES all things rainbows. So I knew that I could do something with these wall stickers. I don’t love wall stickers generally, they always look like…well a sticker…on the wall. So, I that knew I needed to repurpose them in some way. $3 for a pack of 4 stickers.

Dream Wood Wall Hanging – I snagged this wall hanging because I immediately thought it may look cute if I painted it. $3 for this dreamy wall art. (I forgot to take a before pic – but you can check it out online.)
$11 at Target Bullseye = 5 Kids Room Decor Items
Checkout how I repurposed $11 worth of Target Bullseye Items into super cute kids decor.
Framed Sticker – We had an extra black frame, so I just added one of the stickers (Land of Make Believe) to white cardboard and popped it in the frame. (I plan to add photos to the frames on the right but I just added pretty paper until I have some photos printed.)

The next sticker I actually cut into two parts for two separate projects. Here’s a picture after I cut it, but you get the idea.

Dream Sticker on Weathered Board – I found a scrap piece of wood and painted it white. After it was really dry, I sanded it to look weathered. I added the Dream Sticker and it’s at home on my daughter’s bookshelf next to her white giraffe.

Framed Rainbow Sticker – This was probably the most time consuming project, but it overall it took less than an hour to complete. Again, I just used scrap pieces of wood and trim to make a wood framed sign, painted it white and black. When it was completely dry, I added the rainbow sticker and a picture hanger to the back.

Painted Dream Wall Hanging – The wood “DREAM” wall hanging above was another easy change. I spray painted it blue, let it dry and hung it up.
ABC’s Pillow – This one wasn’t repurposed but it’s included in my $11 and it’s really cute already.
Overall, I only spent about an hour on the projects. I’m really happy with how these repurposed projects turned out!
What’s your favorite kids room hack from the Target Bullseye?