How to Create a Garage Mudroom
Our house was built in the early 90s and back then I’m not sure that they considered a mudroom as an essential space in a home. But if you’re family is anything like ours we have an abundance of shoes, coats, hats, mittens, etc and a mudroom is essential. Our house has two main entrances – the front door and the garage door. We enter our house mainly through the garage door that opens into a very small laundry room. Ideally, we’d have a mudroom space when you entered the house through the laundry room, but it’s much too small.
So, we decided that we’d create a mudroom space in the garage, just outside of the laundry room door. Although it’s not perfect, it does provide us with the additional storage that we needed.
This project is fairly simple and has only a few supplies. Altogether it takes about 3-4 hours to complete – depending on your skills. Here are the supplies you need to create a garage mudroom:
- 3 wood shelf brackets
- 4 – 1 x 8 pine boards
- 1 x 2 pine boards (as many as needed for trim and shelf assembly)
- White latex paint
- Paint brushes
- Baskets & Bins
- Decorative Hooks
- Grey paint (we also painted the walls immediately surrounding the “mudroom” to give it more of a room feel.
Directions – Here’s how to create a garage mudroom in your home.
Step 1 – Measure the length of your space for the top shelf.

(beer is optional)
Step 2 – Assemble the top shelf by laying two of the 1 x 8 boards side by side. On the underside of boards lay across 1 x 2 boards, cut to length, and use 1″ wood screws to secure. Mount to wall with wooden shelf brackets.
Step 3 – Assemble bench the same way you just made your top shelf by laying two of the 1 x 8 boards side by side. On the underside of boards lay across 1 x 2 boards, cut to length, and use 1″ wood screws to secure. In addition cut six additional sections of 1 x 8 boards the same length as the height of your bench. These will be used as supports / dividers on the underside of the bench. Secure to the bench using 1″ wood screws.
Step 4 – Cut 1 x 2 boards to act as trim pieces. Fit to front edges of shelf and bench, as well as to wall to frame out the outer and inner areas of the space.
Step 5 – Paint wood and wall with white latex paint to finish look.

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Step 6 – Add baskets to top and cubbies for storage. Here are a few of my favorites:
Grey Large Twisted Paper Rope Basket
Gray Wire Basket with Copper Handles

Step 7 – Add decorative hooks to wall under top shelf. This 5 pack is perfect for this project.

I am SO glad I found this! I also have a small laundry room coming off the garage, and I don’t know if I’d have ever thought to create a “mud room” area in the garage. Thank you!
Mama Bear Finance
This is absolutely beautiful! The end result looks great!
Oooh so pretty! I want one so bad, but we don’t have an attached garage nor the space for it. But it looks awesome.
Wow! This turned out great! I’d love to have this in our garage as our home doesn’t have a mudroom either.
Katie Frazier
Great idea. We do not have a garage, but hopefully our future home will! Saving to my “future home” board in Pinterest!
Sandra Tanner
This is perfect timing. I am moving soon and want to do this. I have always needed a mud room
What a great use of space! Garages usually end up holding junk so why not make it an extension of your home to make it the space you need? I love this!
Stacy Craft
I am totally jealous of how cute and clean you keep your garage mudroom.
This is a very cool project! A must try for me!