
  • Gift Guides,  Holiday

    20 Childrens Holiday Books

    A simple holiday tradition that we started when my youngest was just a toddler and that my kids still love is the gift of new holiday books at the start of the season. They open a few new books after Thanksgiving (sometimes Bell the Elf brings these) and we read those along with the rest of our collection all season long. We love reading a couple of Christmas or Holiday books each night before bed. Some of our favorites are listed below and also a couple of new ones that I’m thinking of adding to our collection this year. I like to try to have a mix of holiday books…

  • Gift Guides,  Holiday

    Gifts for Her

    Holiday gift shopping for the women in my life is definitely the most fun. I always seem to finish their shopping first – while I struggle more with the men. Whether it’s shopping for my sister, mom or mom-in-law – I try to choose things that I think they will love based on their interests and personalities. It was tough to limit it but here are a few of my favorite things that I love to give and to receive. Affiliate Links – As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Truly anything from Anthropologie but these would work for just about anyone. Latte Bowls / Monogram Mug /…

  • Gift Guides,  Holiday

    Gifts for Him

    We love our men but let’s be honest, buying gifts for men can sometimes be challenging. A lot of men I know aren’t really looking for a new scented candle or satin pajamas. That being said, I think that all men appreciate nice gifts and things that they wouldn’t necessarily buy for themselves. Here are a few of my top picks for those special guys. PS. My husband has a lot of these already or approved. Affiliate Links – As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Ugg Slipper Moccasins / Cole Haan Leather Sneakers / Jcrew Sweater / LL Bean Fishermans Sweater / Samsonite Luggage / Hydroflask /…

  • Gift Guides,  Holiday

    Toddler Gifts

    I love to buy gifts for toddlers, they pretty much love anything. From cardboard boxes to a six foot stuffed giraffe – it’s all fantastic! That being said, as a mom, I like my toddlers gift list to have a variety of items. I usually include practical items like boots and mittens, movies they’ve been wanting to see, and a new book that I know they’ll love. Toddlers are a busy bunch. So when it comes to toys – I try to include a mix of things from puzzles to puppets to bubbles to babies – to keep my toddler learning and having fun! Tips for looking for toddler toys:…